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Travel FAQ

Please be advised: The FAQ may be out of date based on new travel policy changes effective January 2024. AP is currently working on getting the FAQ updated.

Travel Frequently Asked Questions

Employees for Business Units SOCMP, SOSSE, and SOFDN complete the travel certification requirement using Concur.

For Business Unit SOASI, non-employee travelers including students and interview candidates/prospective employees must complete and attach the Travel Certification Form (pdf) to the completed Travel Expense Claim (xlxs).

Travel Expense Claims will not be processed unless the Travel Certification has been completed.

Employee Travelers

Pre-approval of domestic and international travel for Business Units SOCMP, SOSSE, and SOFDN is done through Concur. For Academic Affairs, some departments may still require the Travel Authorization Form. Please check with the Administrative Coordinator for the department to confirm if additional forms are required. If required, once completed, attach the form(s) to your Concur request.

For Business Unit SOASI, as of November 1, 2015, pre-approval of domestic travel is not required per policy unless noted by division or department.

All business units, if traveling internationally, will need to visit /accounts-payable/travel/foreign-travel-insurance.

Non-Employee Travelers

As of April 1, 2016, pre-approval of domestic travel is no longer required per the CSU Travel Policy.

Student travel through Concur requires a travel request be completed.

A travel advance is only issued to employees through Concur. Students are not eligible for travel advances. Only one advance per trip is allowable. Advance request amounts may not exceed anticipated trip expenses. Future requests will not be issued if the employee has an uncleared travel advance more than 10 days past the last day of travel. Travel advance EFT/checks will not be released after travel has commenced.

AP must receive the Concur cash advance setup form a minimum of 14 business days prior to the trip departure date to be able to complete the setup in Concur. Once AP confirms the advance account has been added to the employee Concur profile, the employee may submit a travel request and include the travel advance. Advanced requests will be released approximately 30 days before the trip departure date. Requests received with less than 30 days notice, but within 14 days of the trip departure date, will be released after the request is approved and processed by AP.

Concur Cash Advance Setup form available at: /sap-concur



Travel "packages" from Internet vendors typically do not itemize expenses. Therefore, no business-related travel should be booked through such vendors unless the traveler has confirmed that each aspect of the package will be separately itemized (e.g. itemized hotel charges, airfare) and show proof of payment to assure appropriate documentation for reimbursement.

As noted in Section IV.A.5 of the CSU Travel Policy, if advance approval has been obtained, a traveler may use surface transportation for personal reasons even though air travel is the appropriate mode of transportation. The cost of meals and lodging, parking, mileage, tolls, taxis, and ferries incurred while in transit by surface transportation may be reimbursed.

Such costs, however, should not exceed the cost of airfare, based on the lower of the regular coach fare available for the location of travel from a standard commercial air carrier, plus transportation costs to and from the terminals. Documentation demonstrating the cost of regular coach airfare in effect at the time of travel should be included with the travel claim form.

SSU travelers are required to use Enterprise or National while traveling on University business. To ensure proper rate and insurance coverage for the rental, request the "State Contract Rate" using the corporate identification number (ID #). The corporate identification number is required along with the PIN code. Please contact Accounts Payable at for the corporate ID # and PIN code. Also, the renter will be required to enter a SSU Department, Sport, or Organization in order to complete the reservation. Rates will include unlimited mileage, provided the car is returned to the renting location or other drop point authorized by the company at the time of pickup. The maximum rate incorporates the rental of the vehicle, an itemized list of airport access fees, vehicle license fees, State, City and County or local surcharges, and $250,000 insurance protection per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage combined. Sales tax and refueling charges are not included in the rate.

Rental of 15-passenger vans is prohibited. A 15-passenger van means any van manufactured to accommodate 15 passengers, including the driver, regardless of whether the van has been altered to accommodate fewer than 15 passengers.

NOTE: The airport Enterprise and National locations unfortunately print the rental car receipts with an “amount due,” therefore the traveler must request a second receipt while at the Enterprise booth that will then show a zero-balance or the traveler will need to print a receipt from the company’s website to submit with the travel claim.

Travelers should not agree to purchase rental car insurance and will not be reimbursed for insurance charges within the 48 Contiguous U.S. The cost of full collision coverage for rental cars used in Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Possessions, and foreign countries, is allowable. Additional charges for insurance coverage will not be reimbursed if a non-contract agency is used, unless no car rental company in the area has such an agreement with the University. Adequate justification for use of a non-contract company will be required on travel expense claims to obtain reimbursement.

Personal credit cards are acceptable methods of payment for Enterprise and National. An original, itemized, zero-balance receipt is required for reimbursement for all rental car expenses.

Mileage may be reimbursed in accordance with CSU travel policy. Per mile reimbursement rate is published by the Internal Revenue Service with link available in the CSU travel policy. Concur populates with the current mileage rate. Mileage rate per the policy takes into account all actual automobile expenses such as fuel and lubrication, towing charges, maintenance and repairs, tires, depreciation, vehicle registration, and insurance for domestic travel.
Mileage reimbursement rate in connection with a move or relocation is significantly less. Rates are published by the Internal Revenue Service with a link available in the CSU travel policy.

Reimbursement shall be made for round-trip mileage between home and the assignment location, or between the normal work location and the assignment location, whichever is less. Refer to Section IV.C.3 of the CSU Travel Policy to review allowable mileage expenses for domestic travel.

When there is an overnight stay, mileage expenses may be allowed between the traveler's residence and the common carrier or destination if University business travel occurs during the traveler's non-working hours, or during a regularly scheduled day off.

When using a private vehicle for University business, qualified drivers are responsible for carrying and maintaining liability insurance. The Authorization to Use Privately owned Vehicles (Std. 261) form certifies that the traveler has a valid driver’s license and proof of liability insurance. The form must be completed prior to using your personal vehicle, retained in your department, and renewed annually.

Transportation expenses shall be reimbursed based on the most economical mode of transportation and the most commonly traveled route consistent with the authorized purpose of the trip. Typically, airfare is purchased in advance to secure the most economical rate and, because of that, it is in the best interest of the University for the traveler to purchase a fully refundable flight, as unforeseen circumstances may cause changes in the itinerary.

Travelers who are unable to honor a reservation shall be responsible for canceling the reservation in compliance with the cancelation terms established by the hotel, airline, etc. Charges or lost refunds resulting from failure to cancel reservations, registrations, etc. shall not be reimbursed unless the traveler can show that such failure was the result of circumstances beyond the traveler's control.


Airfare “extras” are non-reimbursable, but can be purchased at the traveler’s expense.

Subsistence expenses incurred while on travel status consist of charges for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses. Subsistence expenses may be claimed for University travel occurring more than 25 miles one way from an employee’s normal work location or residence, whichever is closer.

The nightly lodging rate for domestic travel may be found in the CSU Travel Policy, Appendix D. The maximum lodging rate does not include taxes and other related charges. University employees are always expected to seek the best value whenever they obtain lodging.

In some California cities and counties, University employees traveling on official business are granted an exemption from the payment of occupancy taxes imposed by those cities or counties on the transient rental of rooms.

In order to claim the tax exemption, travelers should identify themselves as University employees upon arrival. The traveler may be required to complete an exemption certificate. The option to grant the exemption is at the discretion of the hotel.

State of California Form STD 236, Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver (Exemption Certificate for State Agencies)  The hotel/motel may have their own adapted version of the form.

The reimbursement of daily meal and incidental expenses for travel within the contiguous United States will be based on actual amounts incurred subject to the daily maximum reimbursement cap set forth in the CSU Travel Policy, Appendix D. Alcohol will not be reimbursed on a travel expense claim. Subsistence expenses cannot be claimed within the 25-mile radius of SSU.

The meal reimbursement cap should not be treated as a per diem. The definition of Meals and Incidental Expenses Reimbursement Cap may be found in the CSU Travel Policy, Appendix A. Definitions.

Meal reimbursements associated with trips without an overnight stay must be reported to the IRS as taxable income. The amount will be reported to Payroll and included in Box 1 of the employee’s W-2 form.

The general rule of thumb for claiming meals for a trip of less than 24 hours is breakfast can be claimed if departure is two hours before the normal work schedule begins and dinner can be claimed if return is two hours after the normal work schedule ends. Under no circumstances will expenses for lunch be reimbursed for travel of less than 24 hours. Meals cannot be claimed within the 25-mile radius of SSU.

Incidental expenses include fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, bellhops, stewards or stewardesses and others on ships, and hotel staff in foreign countries; transportation between places of lodging or business and places where meals are taken; and mailing costs associated with filing travel claims and payment of University-sponsored charge card billings.

Examples of non-reimbursable expenses include but are not limited to personal domestic ATM/credit card fees; fines/citations; clothing and accessories; frequent traveler program participation; account fees or deposits for FastTrack (or equivalent) that are not related to individual toll charges; club membership fees; luggage (lost luggage may be covered, see the CSU Travel Policy, Section VIII.E. Personal Property or Baggage Loss); personal entertainment; personal care; and dependent/pet care.

The nightly lodging rate for domestic travel may be found in the CSU Travel Policy, Appendix D. The maximum lodging rate does not include taxes and other related charges. University employees are always expected to seek the best value whenever they obtain lodging.

Lodging shall be reimbursed based on actual costs incurred as supported by an original itemized receipt up to the maximum daily lodging rate.

Travelers to these areas will receive a fixed amount per diem for meals and incidentals based on the Federal Per Diem rate for the destination of travel. Receipts will not be required for reimbursement.

The Department of Travel Management Office (DTMO) publishes rates for Overseas Non-Foreign areas (e.g., Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico etc.) at least once a year. Per Diem Rates Query recognized by the IRS and are in effect on the date of travel.

Foreign Travel Insurance is required for traveling faculty, staff, and students participating in university-sponsored trips abroad. FTIP is intended for short-term use only. For benefits to be covered, the employee must enroll himself/herself (or the group if the employee is leading a class experience abroad) in the program 45 days prior to departure.

International Travel & Foreign Travel insurance instructions and smartsheet are available at /accounts-payable/travel/foreign-travel-insurance.

Travelers may be reimbursed for unique costs associated with international travel, such as: the actual cost of obtaining or renewing a passport, visa, tourist card, and necessary photographs; cost for certificates of birth, health, identity, and related affidavits; charges for required inoculations and medical evacuation insurance; currency conversion, ATM and check cashing fees outside the U.S.; the cost of traveler’s checks; costs related to hiring guides, translators, and local labor; and the cost of full collision insurance on automobiles rented in foreign countries.

Travelers to foreign destinations will receive a fixed amount per diem for lodging in accordance with the Federal Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowances for Foreign Areas published monthly by the U.S. Department of State Office of Allowances Foreign Per Diem Rates.  Receipts will not be required for reimbursement when using per diem.

Travelers to foreign destinations will receive a fixed amount per diem for lodging, meals and incidentals in accordance with the Federal Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowances for Foreign Areas published monthly by the U.S. Department of State Office of Allowances Foreign Per Diem Rates.  Receipts will not be required for reimbursement when using per diem.

As of April 1, 2016, pre-approval of domestic travel is no longer required per the CSU Travel Policy.

Vendor 204 Form

A Vendor Data 204 Form for each non-employee traveler is required to be on file with the University prior to making a payment. This is required by California State Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 18646 to facilitate tax compliance and the preparation of Form 1099 and other information returns as required by the Internal Revenue Code, Section 6109(a).

It is mandatory for vendors to furnish the information requested. Federal law requires that payments for which the requested information is not provided may be subject to federal withholding.

A Travel Expense Claim must be submitted in accordance with the requirements set forth in the CSU Travel Policy, Section IX, Reporting Travel Expenses. Travel expenses incurred by non-employee travelers shall not be reimbursed from a University fund source unless the travel has been approved in advance by the host department.

Travel Certification Form

The Online Travel Certification Training at CSU Learn is accessible to most University business travelers with the exception of non-employee students and Prospective Employees, aka “Interview Candidates.” A Travel Certification Form is required for every travel claim that is submitted for non-employee students and Prospective Employees.


The University may reimburse the actual travel expenses related to interviewing prospective employees, when such expenses are necessary to acquire key personnel for employment at the University. Authorization shall be obtained prior to any commitment to reimburse travel expenses to the prospective employee. Reimbursement of allowable expenses is not taxable if the expenses are properly substantiated.

The Travel Expense Claim must be submitted to Accounts Payable within sixty (60) days of the end of a trip.

All pertinent information must be completed on the Travel Expense Claim form to provide a complete picture of the business trip from start to finish and the expenses incurred as a result of the University travel. The Travel Expense Claim Instructions  as well as the prompts on the Travel Expense Claim  will help guide you when filling out the Travel Expense Claim form

  • Before submitting your travel claim, please be sure to include the following on your Travel Expense Claim form:
  • The departure and return times, locations, and explain any location abbreviations (e.g. CMS = Comstock Middle School)
  • The purpose of trip and any other pertinent or helpful information in the “Purpose of Trip, Remarks, and Details” box
  • Separate the lodging, parking, meals, and/or business expenses (e.g. internet)
  • Staple rather than paper clip the travel claim, receipts, and any other supporting documentation to the Travel Expense Claim
  • White-out must not be used on the Travel Expense Claim form
  • Approver must initial any changes

Tips for transportation related expenses (e.g. taxis) are reimbursed as part of the transportation costs. Tips for meals are reported as part of meals. Tips may be reimbursed up to 20% of the total bill.*

*Excluding alcohol. Alcohol is not reimbursed

Original, itemized receipts are required for expenses of $75.00 or more. Itemized receipts indicate what was purchased, the amount due, the form of payment and a zero balance.

For group travel expenses, receipts submitted with the Travel Expense Claim for expenses less than $75.00 must also be original and itemized.

When original receipts are required (expense of $75.00 or more) but cannot be obtained or have been lost and all measures to obtain a duplicate receipt have been exhausted, a statement should be provided explaining why such receipts are not being submitted with the Travel Expense Claim. The statement must include a certification that the amount shown is the amount actually paid and that the traveler has not and will not seek reimbursement from any other source, now or in the future.

The administrator/approving authority must provide written approval with the travel claim form for the expense. In the absence of a satisfactory explanation or administrator approval, the amount involved will not be reimbursed.

A ProCard can only be used to purchase the following items: Conference/Meeting Registration fees as well as Local Enterprise Rental Car fees. Prior to utilizing the ProCard to purchase Conference/Meeting Registrations or a local Enterprise Rental Car, the traveler, along with the ProCard holder, must complete the “Use of ProCard for University Travel Expense” form as it is required for both the ProCard Report and the Travel Expense Claim in order to cross-reference between the ProCard paid by the University and travel expenses paid by an individual.

Business Process for the Use of ProCard for University Travel Expenses

  • ProCard Report requirements:
    • Original receipts must be attached to the ProCard Report.
    • The original “Use of ProCard for University Travel Expenses” form must be attached to the ProCard Report. If a Travel Expense Claim is submitted, a copy of the “Use of ProCard for University Travel Expenses” form must be attached to the Travel Expense Claim.
  • Travel Expense Claim requirements:
    • A copy of the “Use of ProCard for University Travel Expenses” form must be attached to the Travel Expense Claim and ALL expenses, including those paid by ProCard, must be documented on the Travel Expense Claim.
    • If a Conference/Meeting Registration fee is paid by the ProCard, an agenda must be included with the Travel Expense Claim to ensure that meals are not claimed twice.
    • If a Local Enterprise Rental car is paid with the ProCard, a copy of the rental invoice must be included with the Travel Expense Claim.

NOTE: The CSU Travel Policy prohibits duplicate payment for a cost that was directly billed to and paid by the University.

Travelers are advised to book directly with hotels. AP discourages Airbnb, VRBO, etc. These types of lodging often require upfront payment, have no option to cancel, a fee to cancel, or are unable to provide the required documents to enable reimbursement. Difficulties could also occur when trying to check in or out of a property. When traveling on University business and a need arises because hotels in the area are unavailable, the employee may secure lodging more than 25 miles (one way) from their assigned work location or home, whichever is closer.

Rental share sites must be able to provide a detailed itemized receipt showing proof of payment from the established site for the rental. Handwritten receipts or those not on company letterhead or that are incomplete will not be accepted. The traveler is advised to inquire, prior to booking, that an itemized receipt on letterhead with proof of payment can be provided. In addition, the traveler will need to verify with the vendor what fees are charged, such as arbitrary fees, service fees, cleaning fees, pet fees etc. Please be advised, these fees may not qualify for reimbursement.  

The overall cost of Rental Share Site including room rate, taxes and allowable fees should not be more than hotels in the area. In addition, the daily room rate must not exceed the established CSU daily maximum AND is equivalent (does not exceed) the daily room rate for hotels in the area. A cost comparison form is required.

If you are moving forward with a rental share site:

·         Group Travel

o   Work with SSU Procurement Office. Do not book without Procurement approval/involvement. Submit EREQ.

o   When submitting the EREQ, provide a list of occupants and their university classification (student, staff, faculty).

·         Individual Travel

o   Traveler should be familiar with CSU travel policy on reimbursable expenses.

o   Traveler does not have the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the university. If the traveler signs an agreement, they are accepting full risk and liability for the agreement, not the University or its Auxiliaries.