Monthly Vehicle Usage Report
In February 2009 the California Department of General Services (DGS) began collecting vehicle data that is required by the California Senate, (SB 552) Assembly, (AB 236) and the federal Department of Energy (Energy Policy Act of 1992). The property program is the DGS point of contact for the Sonoma State University departments that have vehicles.
Each month, every department that possesses a University (vehicles owned by the auxiliary organizations are not currently subject to this requirement) vehicle (including golf cart type vehicles and operator-ridden mowers) is required to report details of the use of each vehicle. The campus departments provide their use data to the Property Management Specialist, who submits consolidated monthly reports to the DGS for the entire campus. Each department’s monthly Vehicle Usage Report must be made in the form of a template file developed by the DGS to facilitate the upload into the DGS system. The Property Management Specialist can provide the template to campus departments.
Each department’s use report should be received by the property program by the tenth of each month (reporting the use during the previous month) so that the consolidated campus report can be sent to the DGS by the deadline which is the 15th of each month, even in cases where the 15th is a weekend or holiday.
More details are available at the DGS Office of Fleet Asset Management.